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Research Papers?!

Thank goodness, we do not have to write a research paper! I did, however, found it helpful to learn more about C.R.A.P.P. and how to use it to find credible sources. 

Image result for craap test
This week we had to do some research about a topic of our choice. The topic had to be a powerful question that had a correlation with our career unless you already had a choice from another class. Coming up with powerful questions can be hard considering that fact that you don't want to cause too much of an emotional response. 

After I choose what I wanted to talk about, finding the sources was another ball game. I was able to brainstorm the topic with the help of the assignment sheet given to the class on Monday. The assignment allowed you to think of several topics, and then it would help you get more specific with whatever choices you made. On the other hand, trying to find sources wasn't the hardest thing, it was just making sure you would be able to check off everything the C.R.A.P.P. test asked about. 

The thing about the C.R.A.P.P. test is you have to make sure:
1. The source is within a maximum of 3 years (it's more accurate that way)
2. Is the source relevant to your topic in more ways than 1? You don't want to be able to cite just one point out of the article. It should be something were you can pull a good amount of information from.
3. It'd be best if your author has experience in what they are writing about. If you aren't sure about the author, look them up.
4. Was the author born yesterday? If so, it's a no go! Make sure your author knows what they are talking about. It's fine if it's an opinion based article, but make sure you do your own research to make sure they know what they are talking about.
5. You also want to make sure that the purpose of what the author is writing goes with what you are talking about. For example, if you are writing an informational essay, you will not want to quote form a kids story unless you are writing about a kids' story.

Personal Reflection

I said all of that to say this: don't be like me, lol. 
Image result for facepalm

I literally found sources for my topic just to go to class and do an assignment in which one of my sources was...lacking in some areas. 

I should've done more research, but I thought that what I had was good until I compared it with another scholarly article. 

We also missed Dra. McGrath. 


  1. I did the same thing with my first source! Didn't even think about when it was published, who wrote it, etc. Turns out it was from 2002; not quite relevant anymore lol.


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