Intro to Honors and Time Management

    Welcome Back, Welcome Back,  Welcome Back!!!

    Hey everyone, I hope you all didn't miss me all too much. Durning the week I have learned about time management, how to implement different strategies to help with time management, apps that can limit different activities on my phone(to limit distractions), the honor's program, and other resources to help with completing certain requirements within the program.

    Let's hop to it...

    Starting off, the conversation with Dr. Engel, Dr. Desiderio, and Erin Martin was very informative, not to mention a bit overwhelming. I didn't contribute a lot into this conversation because I was so focused on taking in the information. There were a few things that stuck out to me about the honor's program: volunteer hours, thesis, and Service 912. Dr. Desiderio mentioned that Service 912 would help with the completion of the required hours needed for experiential learning. He asked the class what we thought experential learning was, and some answered: "hands on experience", "study abroad", or "community service".  His next question was about why experiential learning is a requirement. Again, some answered: "to go above and beyond the standard", "to demonstrate your passion for your major or thesis topic", and "to give you insight". All of these answers to his two questions I also agree with, not to mention that they all are correct answers based off of his affirmation when stated. With that being said, thanks to Erin Martin, who is our honor's academic advisor, I now know who I can talk to whenever I have may any concerns about my class or anything dealing with the honor's program and classes. She also gave a few tips to the class like, "pay attention to your credits" (for those who are more advanced with the amount of credit they have the quicker their thesis is due), that she will put us in classes that will help towards our development of our thesis, and that she will make sure our honor courses are on track with our major.

    Taylor Taylor Taylor!

    As everyone already knows, Taylor is our peer leader for the class. The time that she lead the class was very fun and interesting. We started out with a video that not only I could related to but the class as a whole as well. The video showed a guy procrastinating to write a paper that was due for the next day or that night. He called to see if someone could help him, but the person said no, respectfully so. Eventually, it's this period of time of him staring at the computer as its looking back at him. All of a sudden he begins to play around his room and begins wasting all this time, and BOOM, he copies from wikipedia and pastes it on his paper. Although I have never copied and pasted a large amount of information, I could understand his struggle. The video is called, "Effective Time Management" (link within title). 
    Once we opened with that funny video, we were tasked with two assignments, one was based on the amount of seconds in a day (8,640,000sec/day) and the other was a group task. I want to focus mainly on the group assignment where we were charged with a certain amount of task that had a certain amount of points attached to each one. As my team and I were moseying through the list, there was a clear leader and eventually we broke apart (still a team) and did tasks that could be done without the help of another so that way collectively we could secure more points. The point of all of this was to show what and how we prioritize things in a timely manner. Time management was the theme behind these task. 
    Closing, Taylor asked us: "How does procrastination limit your success?" and "How can you manage your time?" As a class, we agreed on how procrastination can cause bad results and more stress. We also discussed some solutions like multitasking, prioritize, and to choose a high yield task over a low yield task. Taylor also mentioned that many times we hear as students we can only choose between two of the 'three' things that make a college life: school, work/sleep, or a social life. With the end of that conversation we cam to the conclusion that you can have all three and more if you balance things correctly. The ending remarks Taylor left us was to "eat and sleep", "plan", and to "set goals".

    Personal Reflection <3

    Throughout my experience so far, I have really enjoyed the information present this week. While it came off as overwhelming at first, overtime it became easier as I asked questions and began to actually pay attention to my time management. Everyone's time management is unique and different to themselves. A few resources that I enjoyed and has helped me are: *First Year Experience (Time Management), *Academic Success (Strategies for Good Time Management), and an app called *Freedom (which keeps distracting websites from popping up or to keep you from going to them) (*all links within title). I might not have said much within the two days of class this time, but I do agree with what was said. I really enjoyed the topic of this week, until next time, I'll see everyone in class on Wednesday. God Speed.


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