Which Way Home

HEY! Did you guys cry as hard I did watching the movie: "Which Way Home"? 


         Which Way Home (link within name): The documentary was about migrants using a train to get to and cross the border of the U.S. The focus of the documentary were on the male children (ages 9-18) and their journey. The viewers were able to see what it was like for the children to be on the train and the view points from them. Viewers got to see a different perspective on what it was like for migrants to travel to the U.S.

          Personally, I never would have imagined that adults, let alone kids, would travel by freight trains and cross a dessert to reach the border of the U.S. I didn't know that smugglers would rape the kids or women who they are trying to smuggle in. The methods of smuggling are very creative and dangerous. People get left behind by smugglers if they are a burden to them or the group as a whole. 

          There are reasons to why many migrants do what they do. In the YouTube video: International Migration (link within name) they talk about reasons on why people illegally immigrate to the U.S. or other areas. A few reasons include but are not limited to: military conquest, refugees/expulsion, enslavement, or in search of economic opportunities/ new settlement areas/ trade routes. There are also push and pull factors that can influence migration. Some push factors are "circumstances in country of origin to lead people to immigrate: poverty, war, and environmental disasters," stated in the video International Migration. Some pull factors are "conditions in the destination country that make immigration attractive: economic opportunities and/or political freedom," stated in the video When I watched the documentary, the camera man would ask the kids that why they wanted to migrate to the U.S.. Most kids responded that they wanted to get adopted, to make money, to go to school, or to simply have a family that they don't have. I thought that these were their pull and push factors considering their poverty or want for what the U.S. could possibly provide. Of course when I mention the U.S., I don't mean it the since of just the lad but the people and businesses as well.
International Migration.

          With such mass movement, is it good or bad for the life of the migrant? According to the article: "Does Migration Change Life for the Better for People from Poorer Countries?" (link within title) migration of those who are coming from another country of origin to a country not of origin all depends if they are moving from a developing country to another or to a more established country, and vise versa for those coming from a established country. The article stated," Migrants moving from one rich country to another [...], reported the highest levels of life satisfaction, financial security, personal safety, and health." On the other hand, "In contrast, migrants who moved between developing countries [...], seemed to fare similarly or worse, according to the report. They were also identified as the group least likely to feel optimistic about their lives", stated the article. Looking at a different group if one were going to an established country from a developing country then they were better off due to the financial increase. Now what may seem contradictory is actually quite common. When a person from an established country goes to a developing one they actually fare off well except for a few limitations.  According to the article: "These people generally find themselves relatively better off financially but with fewer social contacts, said the report, which noted that they were less likely to have someone they could count on for help."

         As the documentary continued, one would notice that there are some voices and perspectives that are missing. The purpose was to show the reality of the travel and how far immigrants would go just to come to the U.S. While it clear that it is not easy to do, I feel as though hearing from other perspectives like the girls or women (mentioned by the class), police men (mentioned by Rachel Lynn in our small groups), or the actual legal process to become a legal citizen (mentioned by Emma). I feel like the message would have had more of an impact if we able to see all of that, not to mention what they may have cut out or didn't show examples of to confirm one's belief as the documentary went on. For example, I brought up in class that it was hard to actually tell if the stepdad of Kevin was lying about Kevin being lazy or not listening to his mother. What was told is that Kevin said things like his stepdad telling him that he doesn't want him and other mean things; they also confirm this statement that there is tension between them by showing the stepdad saying things like how his mother had less stress than when Kevin is there. HOWEVER, we do not know the behind the scenes of things in the house hold. As a viewer watches, you can catch Kevin smoking and having 14 year old qualities that of a kid, so it is most definitely hard to say that he is the perfect child in the household.


         This film has really opened my eyes to the challenges and environmental issues that migrants face coming from their place of origin to somewhere where opportunities are grand. I knew about the challenges, but I didn't actually realize how brutal it is. It makes me feel like my challenges are less than that of theirs. I'm only one person but sooner or later I hope that I can have an impact on this matter someway, somehow. 


  1. That documentary is really depressing; I was close to tears when watch it. I totally agree that some bits of the documentary didn't show the whole story. For example, I wanted to know what exactly are they running away from. I too believe that this movie is an eye opener to the topic of immigration.


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