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What are Your Values?

This week in class we talked about CORE, values, the catalog, and Working Backwards. It was an interesting time this week as we learned a bit more about ourselves. 

Many of us have an idea of where we would like to end up, but may not know exactly HOW we will get there. Some people already have their life planned out about the when and where. Others, like myself, go with the tide of life. We know where we'd like to be in life, but we also know that life happens and that the road can be a little rocky. Where ever we end up, we are meant to be there. All anyone can do it give it their best shot and work hard for what they want. 

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With that being said, as my classmates and I continue our journey here in college, there are plenty of resources that can be used to make sure that we are doing what we are supposed to do. If we are not sure about certain things, there are plenty of sources that we can use to guide us in the right direction. Anyone who is not sure about the requirements like your CORE, or if something is unclear about their major, then they can visit the catalog to get a better understanding. The catalog is a large online resource that practically answers any and all questions, and is like a contract between you and Georgia Southern, as my advisor explained it. 

If you are like many students on campus, you may feel like the major you started in isn't what you thought it was going to be, or maybe there's a class you want to avoid. Regardless of the reason why you would want to consider changing your major, you can always visit M.A.C.E. (Major and Career Exploration Center). M.A.C.E. can help you figure out what other options there are that fit your passions or interest. Although the acronym is kind of not appealing, it is a huge, helpful resource to help with your potential future career.

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Everyone has to start somewhere, right? Many times when we make a game plan, we start at the beginning and figure it out until the end. However, it may be wiser to start from the end and work backward. In the video, Working Backward to Solve Problems (link in title), the speaker talks about how working backward is beneficial. He uses many examples to show how. We talked about how we could apply this strategy to our career plan. While it can help figure out a few hiccups that could have been possibly made when just working forward, a person can have a unique problem with that plan. For example, I know that I want to be an RN, but that's not where I want to stop; I know that I want to specialize in the near future, but that is something that comes with experience. I can't plan experience, let alone the future opportunities in my journey that may come along the way.  

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To end, one of the conversations we held in class was about values. Out of the many presented, we could only pick 5. In my small group, the value 'Love' is something we all have in common. Many of the values chosen were based on future goals, what we wanted to achieve in the values we picked.  Personally, the values I choose were based on the present me and what I want to continue throughout life. We were asked how the values we choose helped us overcome and challenges or adversities while here in college or otherwise. Out of the 5 I have, I really like 'Personal Growth'; because of the growing I have had before coming to college, a lot of situations were handled better than the decision the younger me would have made. 


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