Happy Thanksgiving (Break)!

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I hope that everyone is enjoying their break. If you are lucky, you don't have to worry about typing up two essays, applying for scholarships, or having to study your butt off for a chemistry final. All that aside, I hope that we all will be able to take advantage of the Black Friday sales.

Without further ado:

Motorcycle Diaries 

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When we first began the movie in class, I found the movie to be quite funny. As I continued to watch the movie outside of class,  the movie still had its funny moments, but you started to see the character development in Fuser and Alberto. Fuser and Alberto are like day and night, but they are good friends. Throughout the movie, they went through a lot, so much so that Fuser ended up going down a different path than where he started originally. 

With all that being said and done, it turns out that the movie is a piece of background information on Che Guevara, also known as Fuser in the movie, and how things began for him. I would have never thought that a guy like Fuser in the movie would turn out to be as cruel as Che Guevara. As we all know, Fuser's intention started off as a good one, but his actions soon became corrupted when he gained power. 

In a youtube video called History vs. Che Guevara (link within title), the creator gave both the good and the bad side of Che Guevara's actions and outcomes. As the video came to an end, the question "should revolutions be judged by their ideals or outcomes" was asked. With my partner, Toni, we discussed several questions including the one mentioned previously. We concluded that the outcomes of a revolution are what should be judged. If you think about it, it's just like taking a test. You know certain information, and when it comes time to recall and answer what's on the test, what you thought about isn't graded but what you put down is. Che Guevara had some right answers on his test, but he ultimately failed in the overall category of revolution. 

When Dr. McGrath explained that the movie showed the "human" side of him, it was then that I could tell that he wasn't the good man he started out to be. I am not trying to take away from his good deeds, but if someone has to bring up that there's a "human" side to a person, that is a red flag that they are not the best of people. I get that he wanted to help those who were being treated as outsiders in their own land, help poverty, and other great things, but he has massacred so many to yet reach the goal he set out for. Granted in some areas things may have gotten better, but if he wanted everyone to be equal, as Taylor said individualism would have to be wiped away. The human race is known for its way of individuality. The thing is if he wanted everyone to be equal, why was he the one with many others that held the power? 

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Theoretically speaking, if he were to achieve his "ideals" would he have given up the power he
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possessed?  I believe he wouldn't; he would want to be able to make sure no one was out of place while being the one out of place. Also, didn't he have his 'own' ideas of how things should have been done before he came to such power? If I'm not wrong, that is his individualism coming into play. What I'm trying to get at here is that he wouldn't have really achieved his ideals in the long run because the human race is a complicated species. There could have been other ways or less lives loss to get to a middle ground of what he wanted. Which brings me to another question: "What do you think is the first step towards making a change in the world?" I couldn't answer this question because I honestly do not know. Once you take that first step it changes many other potential outcomes for the near future. Maybe I'm being a coward by saying that, but it's a very hard decision to make considering you have the world on your shoulders, and I can barely carry my bookbag.   
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Once again, I hope that you all enjoy the break, and I hope for many blessings to you and your family.


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